Cumbrias Museum of Military Life Cumbria's Museum of Military Life informs our tale, Cumbria's County Infantry Regiment and its soldiers present and past! Telling the intertwined reputation for 300 years of Uk Infantry Regiments through up to date audio/visual displays and dioramas including a World War that is very first trench. Uncover what life had been like for ordinary people doing items that are extraordinary. Get closer to history, with an excellent selection of items including uniforms, medals, weapons and silver from 1702 to the time that is present. See the bible that stopped the bullet, drums once touched by Napoleon and hardware that is military served the British Army through the two globe wars and beyond. Education and Events: each year, we start our doors to school pupils of most many years - and history that is bring life by using our amazing collections. Our programme of speaks, information and management sessions can be found to schools and organisations addressing an assortment that is big of such as the World Wars. We now have a range of interesting collections that consist of uniform, textiles, tools, gear, silver, medals, musical instruments, paintings, prints, drawings, individual products, memorabilia and campaign relics. The archives consist of a range that is wide of papers from product war diaries to personal documents, casualty records, photographs and publications. Most of the items and documents have strong personal and links that are regional. Throughout every season we hold special occasions and exhibitions that are temporary to particular topics or periods of conflict. Please see our web site for many up to date programme of events and activities.