The Elisabeth Curtis Centre (registered Charity number 1137217) is a member of the national organisation; Riding for the Disabled Association (incorporating Driving) (Registered Charity number 244108)
There are approximately 28,000 riders and drivers throughout the UK in the Riding for the Disabled Association (incorporating Driving) member groups.
The Elisabeth Curtis Centre is a purpose built riding centre on the outskirts of Bedford, which caters solely for disabled riders.
We have an indoor school, stabling for nine ponies, a tack room/office, toilets and a reception area.
A number of fields around the Centre were gifted to us by Bryant Homes, in July 2001, as grazing for the ponies, and there is the facility to ride outside.
Currently we have eight ponies at the Centre. They range in size from 13.2 h.h. to 15.3 h.h. All the ponies live out and use their stables only when getting ready for work, or awaiting their turn to be ridden. They are looked after by 2 part time grooms and the coach of the day. Our helpers also care for them.
The Centre is open in term time, Monday through to Saturday, variously in the morning, afternoon or evening.
A different coach is in charge of each session, and each session has its own particular character. Most of our helpers attend on just one session in the week.
There are typically three half hour rides in a session, though a few are of longer duration, and riders attend once a week.
The group is made up of volunteers. The organisation is a charitable company and receives no formal grants or funding of money. It is run entirely from riding fees, fund raising events and donations.