This mill that is atmospheric either a belated 18th or very early 19th century rebuilding, done in brick, timber and rock on the site of earlier mills. It had 2 waterwheels once nevertheless only one of them continues to be and ended up being restored in 1980 and today presents a charmingly old fashioned view that is solo wheeledFrom the 1930s, due to bad water flow for the systems, an oil motor had been needed seriously to give power plus electricity providing one other machinery. Much of the equipment remains visible in the mill.They frequently arrange guided tours, traditional crafts demonstrations and workshops, plus baking that is historic! These include available for teams particularly, therefore it is well worth organising a few other families in the future with, in order to access the combined team options! Therefore make sure to check always ahead and policy for any bonus tasks you can get in on.On the outside an eel trap was fitted in to the sluice gate that is an thing that is interesting examine, and you will find usually river birds to be seen out here so binoculars won't get amiss. Plus a number of public unique occasions and interesting exhibitions happen here over summer and winter National that is including Apple every October (will any doctors go, we wonder?). A cafe inside the Mill is available on weekends serving fresh coffee, light bites and homemade cakes therefore also you will not get quick on snackery.Photograph by Nigel Bryant if you do not just take a picnic