Bentley Priory Museum celebrates the women and men of WWII in a previous history course like no other. Bring the past to life through interactive exhibits, in costume and also by getting on the job!Families ought to follow trails and dig into their trusty Explorer's Kit Bag to tick off clues and see hidden gems. You will hear stories of 'The One' - Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding; 'The Few' whom fought within the Battle of Britain, and 'The numerous' whose work that is tireless courage kept the nation afloat. Young ones may then take a seat in a life-size reproduction Spitfire cockpit or have fun with the component by dressing in certain period that is handmade museum itself is housed in a pleasant level II* listed building and was the RAF Headquarters Fighter Command in the past in 1940. Today it's surrounded by gardens with a dedicated picnic area, as well as a hand painted tea room that is vintage. You need to be certain to keep an eye on their 'What's On' for family-focused events all round year.